Internet Banking
Internet Banking

Terms & Tariffs

Charges Table

1- Collateral estimation fee


No. Type of Collateral Estimation fee
1 All types of buildings up to 2 floors Birr 1000 per building
2 All types of buildings with more than 2 floors but less than to 6 floors birr 2000 per building plus 250 per floor
3 All types of buildings with more than 6 floors birr 3000 per building plus 250 per floor
4 Any under construction building up to 2 floors br. 1500 per building
5 Any under construction building with more than 2 floors but less than to 6 floors Birr 2500 per building plus 300 per floor
6 Any under construction building with more than 6 floors birr 3500 per building plus 300 per floor
7 Fuel Station Birr 1000/tanker
8 Automobiles Birr 600/automobile
9 Passenger Vehicles and Trucks Birr 1000/truck
10 Industrial Machinery (Large) birr 1000/machinery
11 Factory Machinery (Small) Birr 3000 in group in one factor
12 Construction Machinery & Equipment 1000/machinery
13 Workshop Machinery birr 1500 in group only in one workshop
14 Coffee hulling & Washing sites birr 5000 per site
15 Flower farm birr 2000 per green house and Br. 800/block for other buildings
16 Coffee and other plantation birr 1000 per hectare but maximum of 0.5% of the loan request

2- Financing processing fee


Description Amount of Financing, advances & guarantees Requested in ETB (X) Charges
For fresh requests For Renewals of Existing facilities
Financing Processing Fee Up to 2 Million 3000 1,000
2 Million < X ≤ 7 Million 5000 1,600
7 Million < X ≤ 15 Million 7000 2,200
X > 15 Million 10,000 3,500
Collateral Substitution Fees per each property ETB 5,000.00
Collateral Withdrawal Fee per each property ETB 10,000.00
Transfer of financing, advance & guarantee File from one branch to another ETB 50,000.00
Allowing registration of collaterals on the second degree by other banks (Per each collateral) ETB 10,000.00
Movable property registry fee (post approval fee) Birr 100.00 for registration of initial notice and Birr 50 for extending the period of effectiveness of initial notice (i.e. for renewal of existing facilities &/or for restructuring loans)

3- Credit Information Fee


Description Charges
Credit Information Fee * Birr 1,000.00 per credit report on aggregate financing requests above Birr 100,000.00 and less or equal to Birr 1,000,000.00
* Birr 2,000.00 per credit report on aggregate loan requests above Birr 1 million

4- Murabahah Export Pre-shipment, and Export Merchandise Facilities


Tenure Generated FCY to the Bank compared to financing amount IFB Profit rate
UP TO 96 days 100% & above Zero %

Charges Table

1. Card, ATM and POS Services


Products Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
Issuance of debit Card (Normal Card) Birr 50
Annual Subscription Fee Free
Card Replacement Fee (Lost, damaged, expired) Birr 75
PIN Replacement Fee Birr 20
ATM Card Cancellation or blocking Free
Renewal Fee Birr 30
Additional Account Linking Fee Free
Supplementary Card Issuance Fee Birr 75
ATM Withdrawal ON US 0.2875% per 100 Birr
ATM Withdrawal Local Card OFF US 0.575% per 100 Birr
International card OFF US Transactions Free
POS Purchase ON US Free
POS Purchase Local Card OF US Free
International Card OFF US Transactions Free
Cash Advance ON US Free
Cash Advance Local Card OFF US +1.15% per 100 Birr
International card OFF US Transactions Free
Account to Account Transfer within the Bank Free
Balance Inquiry-ON US Free
Balance Inquiry-OFF US 0.575 per request
Mini Statement-ON US 0.575 per request
Mini Statement-OFF US Birr 1.15 per transaction
MONEY SEND (ON-US fund Transfer to other banks) Birr 11.5

2. Prepaid International Master Card


Products Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
Issuance Fee Birr 1000
Card Replacement Fee Birr 500
PIN Replacement Fee Birr 200
Service charge Birr Account 4.60%
FCY Account Free
ATM Transaction Fee Free
ATM Withdrawal ON US Free
ATM Withdrawal OFF US Free
POS Purchase ON US Free
POS Purchase OFF US Free
Cash Advance ON US Free
Cash Advance OFF US Free
Balance Inquiry-ON US Free
Balance Inquiry-OFF US Free
Mini Statement-ON US Free
Mini Statement-OFF US Free

3. Mobile Banking Services


Products Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
Fund transfer to own account (On Us) Free
Fund Transfer to another Nib account Free
Transfer to other Bank Accounts (Off US) 0 - 5,000 = 0.46%
5,001 - 25,000 = 0.27%
25,001 - 100,000 = 0.18%
100,001 - 1,000,000 = 0.09%
Above 1,000,001 = 0.046%
LMTS Commission Free
Linking other accounts Free
Mobile Banking to Tele-birr 0.1% per transaction amount
Pin replacement Free
Utility payments, Please specify Free
Bill Payment Free
Mobile banking maintenance fee including subscription Birr 1 per month
Balance Statement Free
Balance enquiry Free
Airtime top-up Free

4. Internet Banking Services


Products Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
Account to Account transfer (on us) Free
Account to Account transfer (off us) 0 - 5,000 = 0.46%
5,001 - 25,000 = 0.276%
25,001 - 100,000 = 0.184%
100,001 - 1,000,000 = 0.092%
Above 1,000,001 = 0.046%
Balance Enquiry Free
Air ticket payment Free
Transfer to Beneficiaries Free
Transfer to Awach Free
LMTS Commission or Transfer to non-account folder Free
Linking other accounts Free
Internet banking maintenance fee including subscription Birr 1 per month

5. Wallet Services (NIB E-Birr)


Products Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
P2P - Domestic remittances (on us) Free
P2P - Domestic remittances (off us) Free
Transfer to non-account holder (LMTS) <5000 = Free
5001 - 30000 = Birr 5
30001 - 50000 = Birr 8
50001 - 100000 = Birr 9
>100,000 = Birr 10 + Birr 4 per 100,000
Cash withdrawal at Agent/Branch Free
Wallet to Bank transfer/Bank to Wallet Transfer Free
Wallet to other bank Account 0 - 5,000 = 0.46%
5,001 - 25,000 = 0.276%
25,001 - 100,000 = 0.184%
100,001 - 1,000,000 = 0.092%
Above 1,000,001 = 0.046%
Merchants payments (On us) Free
Merchants payments (Off us) Free
Balance Enquiry Free
Digital lending (Please specify) NA
Digital saving (Please specify) NA
Utility payments (School fee and Water & Sewerage) Free
Airtime Top-up Free

6. Deposit Range and Approved Terms


Deposit Range Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
<= Birr 100 4.1175
101 - 500 5.1175
501 - 2,000 6.44
2,001 - 3,000 7.107
3,001 - 4,000 8.4295
4,001 - 5,000 9.752
5,001 - 8,000 11.0745
8,001 - 9,000 11.9025
9,001 - 10,000 13.1675
10,001 - 75,000 0.10%

7. Cash Out (Withdrawal)


Withdrawal Range Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
<= Birr 100 Birr 4.1175
101 - 500 Birr 5.1175
501 - 2,000 Birr 6.44
2,001 - 3,000 Birr 7.107
3,001 - 4,000 Birr 9.085
4,001 - 5,000 Birr 9.752
5,001 - 10,000 Birr 10.752
10,001 - 20,000 Birr 11.752
20,001 - 75,000 0.10%

8. NIB E-Birr Agents for Other Banking Services


Services Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT
Customer Registration Birr 20
Fund Transfer at Agents Birr 5.75
Balance enquiry Birr 1.725
Mini state. Birr 1.725
Pin Change Birr 1.725
Utility payment 2.3% of the amount
Airline ticket payment 1.73%
Air time top up Free

9.1. Cash in (Deposit) - Wallet Services: Super-Agent


Deposit Range Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT Proposed commission for Sub-Agent (80%) Proposed commission for Super-Agent (20%)
<= Birr 100 Birr 3.294 Birr 0.8235 Birr 0.8235
101 - 500 Birr 4.094 Birr 1.0235 Birr 1.0235
501 - 2,000 Birr 5.152 Birr 1.288 Birr 1.288
2,001 - 3,000 Birr 5.6856 Birr 1.4214 Birr 1.4214
3,001 - 4,000 Birr 6.7436 Birr 1.6859 Birr 1.6859
4,001 - 5,000 Birr 7.8016 Birr 1.9504 Birr 1.9504
5,001 - 8,000 Birr 8.8596 Birr 2.2149 Birr 2.2149
8,001 - 9,000 Birr 9.522 Birr 2.3805 Birr 2.3805
9,001 - 10,000 Birr 10.534 Birr 2.6335 Birr 2.6335
10,001 - 75,000 0.08% 0.02% 0.02%

9.2 Cash-Out (Withdrawal)


Withdrawal Range Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT Proposed commission for Sub-Agent (80%) Proposed commission for Super-Agent (20%)
<= Birr 50 Birr 3.294 Birr 0.8235 Birr 0.8235
50 - 500 Birr 4.094 Birr 1.0235 Birr 1.0235
501 - 2,000 Birr 5.152 Birr 1.288 Birr 1.288
2,001 - 3,000 Birr 5.6856 Birr 1.4214 Birr 1.4214
3,001 - 4,000 Birr 7.268 Birr 1.817 Birr 1.817
4,001 - 5,000 Birr 7.8016 Birr 1.9504 Birr 1.9504
5,001 - 10,000 Birr 8.6016 Birr 2.3504 Birr 2.3504
10,001 - 20,000 Birr 9.4015 Birr 2.3504 Birr 2.3504
20,000 - 75,000 0.08% 0.02% 0.02%

9.3 Wallet Services: Super-Agent


Services Approved Terms and Tariffs including VAT Proposed commission for Sub-Agent (80%) Proposed commission for Super-Agent (20%)
Customer Registration Birr 16 Birr 4 Birr 4
Fund Transfer at Agents Birr 4.6 Birr 1.15 Birr 1.15
Balance enquiry Birr 1.38 Birr 0.345 Birr 0.345
Mini state. Birr 1.38 Birr 0.345 Birr 0.345
Pin Change Birr 1.38 Birr 0.345 Birr 0.345
Utility payment 1.84% of the amount 0.46% of the amount 0.46% of the amount
Airline ticket payment 1.38% 0.35% 0.35%
Air time top up Free Free Free

Charges Table
S/N Type of Service Description Terms and Tariffs
1. Pass Book upon opening   Free
2. Replacement of Pass Book Fully Utilized Free
Lost Br. 100
Damaged Br. 100
3. Saving Account Closure   Br. 30
4. Saving Account Closure before six months   Br. 30
5. Closure of current account before six months   Br. 50
6. Saving and Checking Accounts freeze in court case   Br. 100
7. LMTS from A/c Commission - Up to Br. 3,000 = Br. 18
- Above Br. 3,000 = Br. 18 plus Br. 1.25 per thousand
Service Charge Br. 20
8. LMTS by Cash Commission - Up to Br. 3,000 = Br. 20
- Above Br. 3,000 = Br. 20 plus Br. 1.50 per thousand
Service Charge Br. 20
9. LMTS (for staff) Commission - Up to Br. 5,000 per month = Free
- Above Br. 5,000 = Br. 1.25 per thousand
Service Charge Br. 20
10. Amendment LMTS both Cash & Account   Br. 50
11. Cancellation/Re-transfer of LMTS   Br. 75
12. Interbank transfer from own Nib account to own other bank account   Br. 130 (including NBE charge per transaction)
13. Interbank transfer from own Nib account to beneficiary other bank account  
14. Electronic Tax Payment Transfers   Br. 75 (including NBE Fee)
15. INSA Services Br. 1 – Br. 50 Br. 0.00
Br. 51 – Br. 100 Br. 1.15
Br. 101 – Br. 500 Br. 3.45
Br. 501 – Br. 5,000 Br. 5.75
Br. 5,001 – Br. 100,000 Br. 23
Br. 100,001 – Br. 1,000,000 Br. 34.5
Above Br. 1,000,001 Br. 57.5
16. Cost of Cheque book 10 leaves Br. 75
25 leaves Br. 100
50 leaves Br. 200
100 leaves Br. 300
17. Insufficient Fund Cheque Returned 1st Instance Charge Br. 115 and Apply NBE Directive
2nd Instance Levy a fine of 3.45% of cheque value but not exceeding Br. 28,750 & Apply NBE Directive
3rd Instance Levy a fine of 5.75% of cheque value not exceeding Br. 57,500 & Apply NBE Directive
18. If the cheque is returned insufficient through other bank clearance at the first time   Br. 60
19. Stop payment Request (Per Application)   Br. 300
20. Special clearance of other bank cheque per cheque   Br. 100
21. CPO - issuance From Account Holder Br. 150
Non-Account Holder Br. 500
22. CPO - Cancellation From Account Holder Br. 250
Non-Account Holder Br. 400
23. Lost CPO (Refund) From Account Holder Br. 350
Non-Account Holder Br. 400
24. Account statement of any account every month first time/Current month for the first time   Br. 30
25. Duplicate Statement of any account   Br. 30 per page + Br. 5 for every additional copy
26. Historical Account statement (previous months)   Br. 60 per page + Br. 5 for every additional copy
27. Duplicate advice for items Current year Br. 25 per advice
Over year Br. 50 per advice
28. Standing instruction from AC to AC   Br. 50 per Transaction
29. Balance Confirmation/Account information request   Br. 275
30. Payroll Service Charge   Free
31. Authentication fee at documents authentication & registration office and court Online Br. 60
In-person Br. 300 plus third-party charge
32. Signature Change   Br. 60 per account
33. Blocking of NIB’s share to be held as collateral by other bank or entities/Pledge of share as collateral   Br. 1200/request
34. Unblocking of NIB’s share held as collateral with other entities   Br. 500 per request
35. Share Transfer processing Fee   1.25% of the share value, Min Br. 500, Each party shall share the total fee equally
36. Share Certificate Fee (Transfer, Amendment, loss, damage & replacement)   Br. 500/certificate
37. Confirmation Fee (For Embassy, power of attorney fee, external Auditor and others entities)   Br. 575

Fess and Charges

1. Fees and charges


Particulars Approved Charges
For fresh requests Including VAT For Renewals of Existing Facilities Including VAT
Loan Processing Fee For Any amount, 0.25% of the requested amount but the minimum is Br. 3,000. It has to be collected before processing the facility. For Any amount, 0.1% of the requested amount but the minimum is Br. 2,500. It has to be collected before processing the facility.
Collateral Substitution Fees per each property (to be collected before estimation document is sent to Property Valuation Department). Br. 11,000.00
Collateral Withdrawal Fee per each property Br. 22,000.00
Transfer of Loan & advance file from one branch to another (Excluding staff) Br. 110,000.00
Commitment Fee 1.9% of the approved amount plus 15% VAT
Arrangement Fee 1.9% of the outstanding loan balance to be renegotiated plus 15% VAT. Maximum amount to be collected is Br. 1,000,000.00
Early Settlement Fee To be waived
Allowing registration of collaterals on second degree by other banks (Per each collateral) Br. 22,000.00
LATE PAYMENT fee (i.e., loans past due for thirty days but less than ninety days) As per separately approved manual for this specific purpose
Credit Information Fee (Should be collected immediately when a customer applies for loans and guarantees) As per the rate of NBE
Movable property registry fee (post approval fee)

2. Guarantee Commissions


Guarantee Type Properties that Secure the Approved Local Guarantee Facilities
Amount of the Guarantee (Birr) Cash Cash Substitutes Buildings Factory, Agriculture, Construction, Machineries, and Company Shares Motor Vehicles Other Collaterals like Coffeesites Uncovered Part by Collateral & Fully Clean Facility
Bid Bond Up to Birr 3 Million 0.3450% 0.3525% 1.3200% 1.3875% 1.5000% 1.8750% 2.6250%
Above Birr 3 Million, but ≤ Birr 5 Million 0.3375% 0.3525% 1.1700% 1.3125% 1.4250% 1.8000% 2.5500%
Above Birr 5 Million, but ≤ Birr 10 Million 0.3330% 0.3375% 0.9900% 1.2375% 1.3500% 1.7250% 2.4750%
Above Birr 10 Million, but ≤ Birr 15 Million 0.3225% 0.3300% 0.9750% 1.1625% 1.2750% 1.6500% 2.4000%
Above Birr 15 Million 0.3150% 0.3225% 0.9000% 1.0875% 1.6125% 1.9575% 3.0000%
Advance Payment Guarantee Up to Birr 5 Million 0.3450% 0.4275% 1.3425% 1.4625% 1.6125% 1.9575% 3.0000%
Above Birr 5 Million, but ≤ Birr 10 Million 0.3150% 0.3750% 1.2925% 1.3425% 1.4750% 1.8525% 2.9250%
Above Birr 10 Million, but ≤ Birr 15 Million 0.2850% 0.3600% 1.1625% 1.2600% 1.4100% 1.8300% 2.8500%
Above Birr 15 Million, but ≤ Birr 20 Million 0.2550% 0.3450% 1.0875% 1.1925% 1.3475% 1.8075% 2.7750%
Above Birr 20 Million 0.2250% 0.3350% 1.0175% 1.1175% 1.2650% 1.7630% 2.7000%
Performance Bond, Customs Bond & Other Guarantee Any Amount 0.3450% 0.4050% 1.6750% 1.8750% 2.2500% 2.6250% 3.0000%

3. Collateral Estimation Fee


Type of Collateral Approved Estimation Fee Including VAT
All types of buildings up to 2 floors Birr 2,200 per building
All types of buildings with more than 2 floors but less than 6 floors Birr 4,400 per building plus 550 per floor
All types of buildings with more than 6 floors Birr 6,500 per building plus 550 per floor
Any under construction building up to 2 floors Birr 3,300 per building
Any under construction building with more than 2 floors but less than 6 floors Birr 5,500 per building plus 700 per floor
Any under construction building with more than 6 floors Birr 7,700 per building plus 700 per floor
Fuel Station Birr 2,200 per tanker
Automobiles Birr 1,350 per automobile
Buses and Trucks Birr 2,200 per truck
Industrial Machinery (Large) Birr 2,200 per machinery
Factory Machinery (Small) Birr 6,600 in a group in one factory
Construction Machinery & Equipment Birr 2,200 per machinery
Workshop Machinery Birr 3,300 in a group only in one workshop
Coffee Hulling & Washing Sites Birr 11,000 per site
Flower Farm Birr 4,400 per greenhouse and Birr 950 per block for buildings
Coffee and Other Plantation Birr 2,200 per hectare but maximum of 0.5% of the loan request

Charges Table


A. Foreign Exchange Transfer Service



Type of service

Terms and Tariffs 


Foreign Exchange Transfer Service



Incoming transfer



Transfer to All types of Accounts 



a) Service Charge



b) S.W.I.F.T charge per page

USD 50 (If only any inquiry or clarification needed from Correspondent Bank)


c) Telephone Charge

USD 50


d) Re-transfer of Transferred Funds

-Only SWIFT charge for amount below USD 200

 - SWIFT Charge + USD 100 for amount > USD 200


Outgoing Transfer



Transfer from Birr account



a) Exchange Commission



b) Service Charge

9.5% Min USD 250


c) SWIFT Charge per page

USD 50


d) Amendment on Transfer

SWIFT charge + USD 50


e) Cancellation on Transfer

SWIFT charge + USD 50


f) Investigation Fee


Requested by Overseas Bank

USD 50


Requested by Customer

USD 100 per Document


Clean transfer against the debit of foreign currency, Transferable & Retention Accounts



a) Exchange Commission



b) Opening Charge



c) Service Charge

3.75% Min USD 125


d) S.W.I.F.T charge per page

USD 50


Sale of FCY



Sale of FCY Cash notes against BIRR



a) Service Charge



Sales of FCY Cash notes against the debit of FCY or Retention A/C


a) Service Charge



Staff Members



a) Service Charge on incoming transfer



b) Exchange Commission on outgoing transfer



c) Sales of FCY Cash notes against BIRR (For Staff)



d) Postage 

As per receipt of Courier Service Provider


e) S.W.I.F.T charge per page

USD 50

B. Trade services



Type of service

Terms and Tariffs


Trade services






Import Letters of Credit from Birr Account



a) Exchange Commission



b) Opening Commission

4% Min USD 250


c) Service Charge

5.5%  Min USD 200 (For 3 months or part thereof)


d) Additional service charge (If LC is opened at Margin)

5% Min USD 250 on unpaid balance (For 3 months or part thereof)


e) Confirmation commission

5% (For 3 months or part thereof)


f) Amendment commission

USD 150


g) Cancellation commission

USD 150


h) SWIFT charge 

USD 100 - For Full L/C text USD 50 - Amendment per page


i) Correspondent charge 

Per debit advice


j)  Photocopy

Birr 200


k) Foreign Exchange Applications for Imports

Birr 100


l) Discrepancy document charge for Import (From Beneficiary Account)

USD 200


m) Interest on advance on Import L/C

Advance on Import Bills rate


Import Letters of Credit from FCY Denominated Account



a) Opening Commission

2%  Min USD 250 (For 3 months or part thereof)


b) Service Charge

3.5% Min USD200 (For 3 months or part thereof)


c) Additional service charge (If LC is opened at Margin)

5% Min USD 250 on unpaid Balance (For 3 months or part thereof)


d) Confirmation commission

5% (For 3 months or part thereof)


e) Amendment commission

USD 150


f) Cancellation commission

USD 150


g) SWIFT charge 

USD 100 - For Full L/C text  USD 50 - Amendment per page


h) Correspondent charge 

Per debit advice


i) Photocopy

Birr 200


j) Interest on advance on Import L/C

Advance on Import Bills rate


 Extension on LC from Birr Account 



a) Extension Commission

4.0% (For Three months or part thereof)


b) Service Charge

5.5% Min USD 200 (For 3 months or part thereof)


c) Additional service charge (If LC is opened at Margin)

5% Min USD 250 on unpaid Balance (For 3 months or part thereof)


d) Confirmation commission(only for confirmed Letter of Credit)

5% (For 3 months or part thereof)


e) SWIFT charge 

USD 50


 Extension on LC from FCY Denominated Account



a) Extension Commission

2.0% (For Three months or part thereof)


b) Service Charge

3.75%  Min USD200 (For 3 months or part thereof)


c) Additional service charge (If LC is opened at Margin)

5% Min USD 250  on unpaid Balance (For 3 months or part thereof)


d) Confirmation commission(only for confirmed Letter of Credit)

5% (For 3 months or part thereof)


e) SWIFT charge 

USD 50


Partial Shipment for LC opened.


Partial Shipment on LC 

Free for 1st partial, 5% Min USD 250 for all shipments thereafter

2.1.4 (a)

Excess Drawings (Increase of amount on FOB Value or Freight) from Birr Account 



a) Exchange Commission



b) Opening Commission

4% Min USD 250


c) Service Charge

15% Min USD 200


Excess Drawings (Increase of amount on FOB Value or Freight) from FCY Denominated Account



a) Opening Commission

2% Min USD 250 (For 3 months or part thereof)


b) Service Charge

3.75% Min USD 200


Increase in L/C Amount from Birr Account



a) Opening Commission

4% on increased amount (For three months or part thereof)


b) Service Charge

15% Min USD 200 on increased amount


c) Additional Service Charge (If the increase is on LC opened at Margin)

5% Min USD 250  on Unpaid Balance (For Three months or part thereof)


d) Confirmation commission

5% on increased amount


Increase in L/C Amount from FCY Denominated Account



a) Exchange Commission



b) Opening Commission

2% on increased amount


c) Service Charge

3.75% Min USD 200 on Increased amount


d) Additional Service Charge (If the increase is on LC opened at Margin)

5% Min USD 250 on unpaid Balance of increase amount


e) Confirmation commission

5% on increased amount


Suppliers Credit 



a) Exchange Commission



b) Opening Commission

2% Min USD 250 


c) Service Charge

5% Min USD 200 


d) Acceptances LCs Issuance of Acceptance L/C (By special arrangement)

Ordinary LC charges at the time of LC opening Plus 0.5% at the time of settlement

2.1.7 (a)

Treatment of Expired LC from Birr Account



a) Extension Commission



b) Service Charge

5.5% Min USD 200


c) Confirmation Commission, if any



d) Additional Service Charge (If the increase is on LC opened at Margin)

5% Min USD 250 on unpaid Balance of increase amount

2.1.7 (b)

Treatment of Expired LC from FCY Denominated Account



a) Extension Commission



b) Service Charge

5%  Min USD 200


c) Confirmation Commission, if any



Guarantee under L/C Delivery order (DO)


Issuance of Delivery order under LC with 110% payment Guarantee issued for missing B/L or Airway Bill under sight L/C (Customers must deposit the invoice value of goods plus 10% & present appropriate foreign exchange permit)

USD 200


Documentary Collection (Inward Bills for Collection-IBCo or Cash Against Document (CAD)



a) Exchange Commission



b) Service Charge

9.50% Min USD 250


c) SWIFT  

USD 50


d) Photo Copy  

Birr 200


e) Unpaid Items/ to be/ Returned

Service Charge USD 100 + SWIFT Charge + Courier charge - per cost


f) Unpaid Items held in Safe Custody (Trust)

Custody charge - USD 100 flat per month for more than 1 months


g) Delivery of documents without or free of payment

USD 50


i) Purchase Order Extension Commission (Extension is allowed for a maximum of 3 months)

9.50% Min USD 250


j) Amendment of Purchase Order and Permits

USD 100 per Amendment


k)Permit splitting Charge

USD 100 per split

Guarantee under Documentary Collection Delivery order (OD)



Issuance of Delivery Order Under Documentary Collection with 110% payment  Guarantee for missing/presentation of B/L (Customers must deposit 110% of the invoice value of goods & present appropriate foreign exchange permit)

USD 200


Acceptances CADs  Short term guarantee or acceptance of draft to cover suppliers credit

Ordinary CAD charges at the time of opening Plus 0.5% at the time of settlement


Freight Charges


a) Exchange Commission



b) Service Charge

9.50% Min USD 250

Service Charge (From Importers - Against Debit of FCY Denominated Accounts : 4.5%



Additional Charges


Shipments made before the approval of purchase order

7% Min USD 150


Shipments made after the expiry of purchase order

11% Min USD200


Partial Shipment on CAD

Free for 1st partial, 5% Min USD 250 for all shipments thereafter


Export-Letter of Credit



Letter of Credit

Service Charges



a) Advising

USD 50     for advice to other Bank; otherwise FREE


b) Extension

USD 50     for advice to other Bank; otherwise FREE


c) Amendment  

USD 50     for advice to other Bank; otherwise FREE


d) Extension & Amendment

USD 50     for advice through other Bank; otherwise FREE


e) Confirmation Commission

USD 50     for advice through other Bank


f) Cancellation Commission

 USD 50  


Negotiation of documents     (Outward Documentary Bills Purchased - ODBP)



a) Negotiation Commission (Service Charge)



b) Postage

As per receipt of Courier Service Provider



USD 50


d) Advance on Export Bills ( After 30 Days - If the proceeds of the document is not credited to our A/C)

Interest to be collected at the prevailing lending rate for Advance on Export Bills


e) Purchase of Export documents from exporters who have pre-shipment financing and if the proceeds of the document is not credited to our A/C within 30 days) 

10% per month (The date will be counted starting from the Date of Negotiation)


f) Photo Copy 

Birr 200


g) Our Bank LC Authentication Charge

Birr 1500


h) Other Bank LC Amendment Authentication Charge

Birr 1000


i) Other Bank Authentication Charge

As per the debit advice


Export Documentary Collection


Outward Documentary Bills Collection (ODBC)


a) Service Charge



b) Postage

As per receipt of Courier Service Provider


c) Photocopy

Birr 200



USD 50


Advance payment for export through bank transfer



Service Charge on issuance of Export permit for which advance payment has been received 



Export on consignment basis at the issuance of permit



Issuance of Export permit against deposit of foreign currency cash note



C. Letter of Guarantee (Foreign)




Type of service

Revised Terms and Tariffs


Letter of Guarantee (Foreign)



Type A:



Bid bonds as well as performance bonds issued at the request of Correspondent banks abroad with their counter guarantee



Up to USD 200,000

1.75%  Min USD 150


From USD 200,001 - 400,000

1.5% Min USD 150


From USD 400,001 - 600,000

1.25% Min USD 150


Above 600,000

1.25% Min USD 150





Increase in Amount of guarantee opened or confirmed by our bank

1.75% Min USD 200


Extension of validity date of guarantee opened or confirmed by our bank

Price indicated on 3.1 applied for the extended period of days


Other terms of guarantee

USD 100


Type B:



Bid bonds issued by correspondent bank passed by with our authentication without our counter guarantee

Br 1500


Type C:


Indirect Foreign bid bond at the request of local customer


Against 100% deposit

0.75% Min USD 150


With other collaterals

1% Min USD 150

D. Incidental and Other Charges



Type of service

Terms and Tariffs


Incidental and other charges



Small Item Export Permits

USD 85


Cost of Cheque Books 

As per cost


Sale of Daily Exchange Rate Summary Sheet


Daily Exchange Rate Summary

Birr 50 per Copy


Annual Subscription Fee

Birr 500 Per Copy


Provision of Foreign Exchange Rate


Exchange Rate of any particular date with in one (1) year

Birr 100


Exchange Rate of over 1 year old

Birr 200 per page


Issuance of Additional Bank Statement from FCY and Retention Account


Statement to be sent by fax

USD 20


Statement to be sent by mail

USD 10 + Courier charge


Note: Any exceptional case related to pricing shall be approved by CEO with recommendation of VP- IBO and Director, Trade Finance Department.