Internet Banking
Internet Banking


NIB International Bank S.C

Internet Banking
Internet & Mobile Banking - F.A.Q.s

1. How can I change my 2FA PIN?

To change your 2FA PIN, please select Settings from the side menu and choose the Change NIB 2FA PIN option. Please fill all the fields and click save

2. How do I sign up for mobile and/or internet banking?

To open a mobile and/or internet banking account, you must visit our branches. Once you have an account you can download the applications from here. To access internet banking services please use this link.

3. I forgot my password/PIN.
  • To reset 2FA PIN/Mobile Banking PIN

You can reset your password through the NIB 2FA/Mobile banking application, by selecting Forgot password. You will then be redirected to a reset PIN form. After entering your user id and recovery password* in the fields provided, please enter your new PIN to complete the reset process. If you don’t have the recovery password, go to your nearest branch

*The recovery password is sent to the customer at the time of account creation.

  • To reset the Internet Banking password

You should contact your nearest branch. The bank will perform KYC and send a new temporary internet banking password via SMS.

4. The activation code I received has expired.

If your activation code has expired and can’t log into your NIB 2FA application, you must visit your nearest branch for a new activation code.

5. I was locked out of the application for multiple consecutive incorrect password/PIN attempts.

You should contact your nearest branch.

6. I lost the device I was using for internet/mobile banking.

You should contact your nearest branch. The branch will perform KYC and lock the device.